Getting your first step is a great step regardless of your age. Taking care of another living being is a considerable effort, and our pets deserve to receive the best care possible. Pets are lifelong friends, and the first step all owners must take is to ensure they get to live a long and healthy life. So with that in mind today we’d like to offer some general guidelines to help you in this new adventure.
Not all breeds are the same
Something that all pet owners should keep in mind regardless of what animal they choose to purchase or adopt, is that not all animals in a species are the same. So trying to apply the general knowledge you have on an animal species to a specific breed might not be the best idea.
For example, we all know that cats hate water right? And it makes sense to plan around that fact when you get a cat of your own. However certain breeds are okay with water. The Japanese Bobtail for example is even fond of it, so if you don’t take care your cat might end up taking a trek into a river or other dangerous bodies of water.
While the above was mostly a miscellaneous idea, this difference between breeds also takes a huge role when it comes to nutrition and exercise. This is best seen in dogs thanks to their vastly different sizes. Certain exercises like walking stairs might be harmless for certain breeds but can hurt the joints of other dogs. Similarly, while some breeds are okay with just 30 minutes of exercise, some can easily require upwards of an hour.
In short, when buying a pet you need to look for information on its specific breed. A lot of what we take for granted about animals doesn’t apply to all breeds in their species, so it’s important to properly research.
Supplies do matter
It’s easy to dismiss pet supplies like toys, climbing towers, and cages as human frivolity, but they are more than that. Sure, animals didn’t have toys in their natural habitat, but they also didn’t live in human houses in the wild. Supplies provide animals with a way to exercise, play and train their natural skills at home. A pet without supplies will take out their anxiety on the furniture or anything that allows it to satisfy its cravings, meaning that supplies will help them and your house.
If you are new to buying pet supplies we suggest you give Centinela Feed & Pet Supplies a look. Their stock is full of high-quality supplies and the staff is always ready to lend a hand.